domingo, 30 de junho de 2024

Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Platforms: Nintendo Switch
Developer: Bandai Namco
Publisher: Nintendo
Year: 2018

Todos os personagens da Nintendo e de outros games se enfrentarão nesse jogo de luta crossover.

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Playable Characters:
- Bayonetta
- Bowser
- Bowser Jr.
- Captain Falcon
- Captain Olimar
- Cloud Strife
- Corrin
- Diddy Kong
- Donkey Kong
- Dr. Mario
- Duck Hunt
- Falco Lombardi
- Fox McCloud
- Ganondorf
- Greninja
- Ike
- Incineroar
- Inkling
- Isabelle
- Jigglypuff
- King Dedede
- King K. Rool
- Kirby
- Link
- Little Mac
- Lucario
- Lucas
- Luigi
- Mario
- Marth
- Mega Man
- Meta Knight
- Mewtwo
- Mii Brawler
- Mii Gunner
- Mii Swordfighter
- Mr. Game & Watch
- Nana & Popo
- Ness
- Pac-Man
- Palutena
- Pichu
- Pikachu
- Pit
- Pokémon Trainer
- Princess Peach
- Princess Zelda
- Pyra
- R.O.B.
- Ridley
- Robin
- Rosalina
- Roy
- Ryu
- Samus Aran
- Shulk
- Simon Belmont
- Solid Snake
- Sonic
- Toon Link
- Villager
- Wario
- Wii-Fit Trainer
- Wolf O'Donnell
- Yoshi
- Young Link
- Zero Suit Samus

Secret Characters:
- Chrom
- Dark Pit
- Dark Samus
- Ken
- Lucina
- Princess Daisy
- Richter Belmont

DLC Characters:
- Banjo & Kazooie
- Byleth
- Dragon Quest Hero
- Joker
- Kazuya Mishima
- Min Min
- Mythra
- Piranha Plant
- Sephiroth
- Sora
- Steve
- Terry Bogard

Final Boss:
- Galeem & Dharkon

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- 3D Land
- Battlefield
- Big Blue Road
- Boxing Ring
- Bridge of Eldin
- Brinstar
- Corneria
- Delfino Plaza
- Desert Kingdom
- Donkey Kong Stage
- Dracula's Castle
- Dream Land
- Duck Hunt Stage
- Final Destination
- Fountain of Dreams
- Frigate Orpheon
- Gerudo Valley
- Great Bay Coast
- Green Hill Zone
- Halberd
- Hyrule Castle
- Hyrule Temple
- Kongo Jungle
- Kongo Waterfall
- Luigi's Mansion
- Mario Bros Stage
- Mario Kart Circuit
- Minecraft World
- Mishima Dojo
- Mushroom Kingdom
- New Donk City
- Norfair
- Onett
- Pac-Land
- Peach's Castle
- Pilotwings
- Pirate Ship
- Pokémon Stadium
- Rainbow Cruise Ship
- Saffron City
- Shadow Moses Island
- Skyworld
- Smashville
- Spirit Train
- Super Happy Tree
- Suzaku Temple
- The Coliseum
- The Great Cave Offensive
- Wrecking Crew Stage
- Yoshi's Island

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